Days of Undetected HGH May Soon Be Over
Many efforts have been underway to improve the detection of anabolic steroids in the human body. There may have been an outcry to the scientific community for a resolution to the mysteries of designer steroids which are favorites among athletic competitors. Given the persistent news of Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Alex Rodriguez and others, the United States Anti-Doping Agency has taken the matter very seriously and commissioned laboratories to produce tests that bring disclosure closer to the level of abuse.
Scientists from Indiana have teamed with counterparts in China to produce more efficient urine-analysis for trace amounts of anabolic steroids. The areas of improvement involve ‘desorption electrospray ionization’ (DESI) which is married to ‘tandem mass spectrometry’ for nearly instant test results rather than those that take hours or even days. Additionally, conclusive outcome is not dependent upon sample size as the new test can provide reliable readings with a mere drop of human urine.
In years past, the technology that could successfully mask the presence of steroids was only available to professional athletes with deep pockets. Today, the average gym rat is able to purchase liquids to deny testing whether it is via urine analysis or hair samples. However, the new tests will soon be released to give the edge back to Drug Enforcement agents and regulating bodies of organized sports.
In a preemptive move, many are already arguing that testosterone levels vary within an individual and even moreso by race. While this may be true, the test blows away this argument with another secret weapon. Epitestosterone is a naturally occurring chemical in the body and only present at levels equal to the level that a person is supposed to have naturally within the body. If the ratio of Epitestosterone to Testosterone is out of balance, there would be NO logical explanation’ thus, deeming an athlete’s or bodybuilder’s levels to be artificially induced.