Some of the Most Recent Comments
Bhavik wrote:
I’m glad I checked this website out. It helped me become more educated about the negative and terminal effects that follow steroid use. Working out at the gym and seeing the competitive atmosphere, I would not be surprised to see numerous steroid abusers. Glad I will not be one of them. Thanks to the guy handing out these cards at Bally’s…!!
Muscle K responded:
Thanks, dude for following through…being a BUILT TOUGH…and true to yourself. Continue to work out under your own power.
You are well on your way to building a strong physique. The only recommendation that I can offer is that you remember to include lower body workouts, be patient, and eat. Be smart and good to your body. DO NOT RUSH TO BE BIG IN THE SHORT TERM AT THE EXPENSE OF LONG-TERM HEALTH.
Steroid/HGH users ALWAYS run into troubles once they cross the mid-30s and low-40s age threshold. There is just too much damage to the body due to the chemicals that they’ve relied upon.
For you young guys out there, find comfort in the FACT that, as you cross over into your 30s, your body’s metabolism slightly slows down enough for you to maintain and build mass. You continue to increase in strength/mass through your 30s and into your 40s.
Jobde wrote:
Also agree with the author, all true.
Rssweb wrote:
Everything is written correctly, and rightly so.
Brady Kenneth wrote:
I’m pleased I located this blog page, I couldn’t find any information on this topic prior to…
Rodrigo Keltner wrote:
Exceptional site, where did you come up with the info in this posting? I’m happy I found it though, ill be checking back soon to see what other articles you have.
Benny Toothman wrote:
I don’t agree with everything in this article, but you do make some very good points. Im very interested in this subject and I myself do a lot of research as well. Either way, it was a well thought-out and nice read so I figured I would leave you a comment…