Dallas and Rich: Dynamic Duo til Death


Stakes for today’s NOT GUILTY plea, from Roger Clemens, are becoming clearer. Recently, Roger Clemens was indicted for Perjury of Congess by a federal grand jury. During today’s court procedings, Clemens was reportedly less forth-coming and said to have focused more at the directions of his attorney. If found guilty, Roger Clemens could face a combination of 1-2 year jail time as well as in-house arrest.

Today’s atmosphere is said to have been much more controlled in contrast to his 2008 entrance which involved pre-event autograph sessions with many members of Congress. Perhaps, Clemens was attempting to steer support and cast the event as an entertainment-media spectacle by being the center of focus with such stage presence. At that time, there were several testimonies including baseball players Andy Pettite and Miguel Tejada. As a result of their admissions, we’ve not heard a peep out of either.
Clemens NY Times

The current state of the 7-time Cy Young winner dates back to 2008 testimony before Congress and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform; all headed by Rep. Henry Waxman D.-California. The ongoings of the February 2008 event were predicated upon the findings of the famed ‘Mitchell Report’. Filled with vigor, Roger Clemens is recorded as saying, “Let me be clear…I have never taken steroids or HGH!” Initially, the level of confidence in Clemens’ statement may’ve persuaded the attending committee to determine that the baseball player wouldn’t DARE assert innocence is such a blatant manner. However, the same vehemence was the approach of Floyd Landis who required millions of dollars to be spent on his legal fight before finally admitting that he’d been routinely doping.

The weird thing about this Clemens situation is that the athlete was NOT under subpoena. Rather, Roger Clemens came on his own accord to the Congressional event in an effort to clear his name from multiple references in the Mitchell Report.

Roger Clemens was offered a plea deal that would have been moderately embarrassing but not inclusive of the deep doo-doo that he’s in now. Reportedly, Roger Clemens turned DOWN the deal offered to him.

Oddly, there was a most damaging witness during the 2008 hearing by the name of Brian McNamee. Brian McNamee is said to have been one of those characters who could always be found around the clubhouse and associated with strength training/conditioning. McNamee has testified to:
A) Personally injecting Roger Clemens with Steroids/HGH more than 12 times; either at the baseball clubhouse or at various residential locations
B) Personally injecting Debbie Clemens with HGH and/orClemens before House Committee Steroids per Roger’s request.

In response, Roger Clemens attempted to sue Brian McNamee for defamation of character. This legal action was swiftly denied by a Texas circuit court judge and later upheld during a federal appeal. There is still a defamation case that exists in the State of New York. It is expected that this suit will also die a sudden death.

Today, Roger’s plea follows a 6-Count indictment that narrowly focuses upon:
1. Obstruction of Congress via verbalized denials to the use of steroids.
1a. Denying conversations with Brian McNamee
1b. Denying being injected with steroids, Lidocaine, & B12 by Brian McNamee
1c. Lying about steroid connections with Andy Pettite
1d. Lying about arranging for steroids to be injected into his wife – Debbie Clemens

2. Perjury
2a. Lying about HGH shots from Brian McNamee

3. Perjury
3a. Lying about Steroid shots from Brian McNamee

4 through 6
Lying about using steroids; Lying about use of B12 and Lidocaine

The government’s case against the Legendary Clemens is not a foregone conclusion. A large percentage of the government’s case is based upon Brian McNamee. If defense attorneys are able to degrade the integrity of McNamee, there may be enough margin created to rescue Clemens from 1-2 years of jail time.

Ah…the Smoking Gun!
Remember, Brian McNamee testified to injecting Roger Clemens with steroids and HGH over 12 times between 1998 and 2001. Clemens shot back by bolding claiming that McNamee is “Lying!” We can’t be certain who holds the best hand but it may be cardboard and come in the shape of a rectangle. That’s right! In 2008, Brian McNamee reportedly handed over a Federal Express box to investigators that contained blood stained cotton swabs used during certain injections. Also, said to have been enclosed were empty vials of HGH/steroids, used needles, etc… The government’s case may be very tough to beat if the cotton samples contain said performance enhancing drugs along with matching Clemens DNA.

kirk radomski steroid seller to roger clemens

Recently, Kirk Radomski has provided comments in favor of the prosecution. Recall that Radmonski testified to providing both McNamee and Clemens with the steroids/HGH. Refer to previous articles on www.steroidanalysis.com about Kirk Rad

Images courtesy of:
Doug Mills/The New York Times
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

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