Dallas and Rich: Dynamic Duo til Death

The A-Rod Miracle!

Perhaps, congratulations are in store for Alex Rodriguez after surpassing the 600 home run threshold during his controversial career. Amazing to many is the continued support that A-Rod receives from baseball fans despite his lies, disclosures, and personal indiscretions.

By allowing the Yankees slugger to remain on the field, given his background, major league baseball is quietly legitimizing steroid use and/or setting industry as well as legal precedence for future players who get caught for their indulgences in performance enhancing drugs.

Therefore, Rodriguez is to be recognized for his accomplishments. He has a crap load of attorneys and administrative support that has introduced new rules (on a going-forward basis) for activities throughout major league sports. No longer is there the fear or career-ending repercussions for cheating/unfair play/etc…

Maybe, the New York Yankees organization is so powerful until they’re able to arrange simple wrist slaps for major violations. Unfortunately, the act of cheating steals the spotlight from other CLEAN players who’s accomplishments are noteworthy. Oh wait!!! Maybe it is Alex’s past in Texas. Whether it is NCAA football, NCAA track & field, or professional baseball and football, Texas players get busted one day and exonerated the next. Just look at Brian Cushing is you don’t believe that last statement.

So go ahead… Rodriguez (NYY), Manny Ramirez (LAD), Pettit (NYY), McGwire (STC batting coach) and others. Your way is paved by A-Rod and you’re ready for take off. Just remember to inject first. Sorry, Canseco…looks like you got the short end of the stick even though most of your claims were absolutely true.

Muscle K

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