We regret to inform you that Romanian bodybuilder Viorel Ristea died last week in advance of the Fitness Universe Weekend which was held last weekend in Miami. Ristea was merely 28 years old when he was found dead and preliminary assessments suggest that he died during his sleep from a massive and fatal heart attack.
Videos of Viorel Ristea can be found on youtube, along with his friend-workout partner, where his workouts are broken into segments according to the body part being trained. Other videos of him were a bit more controversial as they denoted his physical progress according to steroid cycle. The use of youtube was instrumental in the rapid growth of his fan base such that many Europeans termed him the “Schwarzenegger of Romania”. Unfortunately, that same fan base will mourn his loss and have begun to deny the heart attack as being the cause of Viorel’s death. Instead, there is a push to conceal the documented cause and attribute the death to exhaustion and a strict diet which potentially influenced dehydration.
Bodybuilder-deaths at competitions are not a common phenomenon but are also NOT unheard of. There have been other instances which should have served as a major alert to the steroid-using demographic. Without robust attention applied to this matter, more young steroid users will fall victim to the same fate that took this young bodybuilder named Viorel Ristea. God Bless Viorel’s family back home in Romania.
Pictures courtesy of Facebook